Saturday, April 12, 2008

So Tired

This is going to be a brief post. After my first full day of being out in the world, I'm exhausted.

Today involved going through the routine of six-hour antibiotics applications, switching out TPN supplies, going to CVS and filling prescriptions and stocking up on household goods, moving most of my stuff from Page's place and the hospital back into my apartment (i.e., lugging it up three stories), getting started on cleaning up the house, starting laundry, organizing the medical supplies... etc., etc.

Those activities wouldn't be too draining if it weren't for the fact that my body is not exactly in the shape it was when I entered the hospital three weeks ago. When seated, I keep falling forward; apparently, my back muscles turned to mush during my many days reclined in a cot. My legs are burning after taking out bales of trash and moving suitcases and supplies around. Even though I may have lost 15 pounds recently, I gained them back in the form of a heavy TPN backpack that I have to carry everywhere.

Suffice to say, I'm going to sleep in little bit after setting up my final antibiotics IV of the night. I'll post more tomorrow - maybe when I get up at 6.

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